Welcome to Onest Audio

NEWSFLASH!! Onest Audio becomes the newest Magico authorized dealer!    Also - Just In...... Nordost Cables!

The Truth is in the Details

Most of the time, we listen to music in the car or on our computers, maybe even on our phones. Obviously this is fraught with heavy compromise.
We at Onest Audio offer you an ultimate listening experience – sound like you have never heard it before.
Be it a dedicated 2-channel listening system, custom installed whole house audio or home theater, Onest Audio can deliver the sound you crave.
We do this by blending our experience and our passion with leading manufacturers such as:
Electronics from T+A Elektroakustik NAD, and EMM Labs as well as others
Speakers from Magico, Dali, T+A, REL Subs and others
Room treatments by GIK Acoustics
Cables from Nordost, Snake River and others.

Give us a call, lets discuss building a system for your ultimate listening experience, or how to get one step closer to audio nirvana with your current system.
Use the Navbar on the top of this page to navigate to the rest of our site, read more about us, our products and the links our online stores.
RI, MA & CT's Premier Audio Dealer
Call Us at 401.480.8056
Email us at info@onestaudio.com
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